Swiss Re Corporate Solutions ranked number one Weather Dealer
For the second year in a row, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions has been ranked as no. 1 Weather Dealer in the 2015 Energy Risk Magazine Commodity Rankings.
Energy Risk received 1.400 valid responses to their survey. Respondents were asked to vote for their top three dealers and brokers in order of preference for any categories in which they had been active over the course of the year.
Juerg Trueb, Head of Environmental and Commodity Markets (ECM) at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, said: "We are very pleased with this recognition, which acknowledges professionalism and presence in the market as judged by market participants – some of whom are actually our competitors. It's a ranking based on client feedback and impressions of how we conduct business."
The ECM unit of Corporate Solutions is a leading global provider of weather risk solutions for end-user clients. With its growing footprint (in 2015, Johannesburg and Shanghai were added to the list of Swiss Re offices with weather professionals on the ground) and highly sought-after expertise, it has also established itself as a thought leader in this specialised market.
Recent transactions by the ECM unit include Infigen's wind hedge in Australia, a ground-breaking deal in the renewable energy space. Other highlights are rainfall risk protection for Uruguay, the largest energy risk transfer project ever done; and the first solar radiation index deal in China.
"Adoption of weather hedging continues to grow, with new clients being added each year," said Stuart Brown, Head Origination Weather & Energy Asia Pacific-EMEA at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions. "This top ranking is a great distinction for our company, as most of our competitors don't even have weather risk capabilities while we, working together with our clients, have built best-of-breed skills."