Property Claim
Below are the claims procedures you should follow to protect your interest upon the occurrence of an insurable incident:
1. Notify our company of the incident and report it to the police (if criminal offence is suspected) without delay. In the meantime, take necessary measures to minimise the loss or damage
2. If the incident is caused by a third party, immediately send them a notice of claim in writing
3. Complete and submit Claim Notice Form
4. Swiss Re Corporate Solutions Shanghai claims staff / appointed loss adjuster should have the opportunity to visit the scene of the incident and inspect the loss or damage before any repairs or alterations are done. Your full co-operation and assistance to help us to access all areas is appreciated
5. To protect your interest, and to facilitate our processing of your claim, please do not repair, replace or dispose salvage without Swiss Re Corporate Solutions Shanghai's consent
6. Submit claim documents as below
7. Your cooperation with Swiss Re corporate Solutions Shanghai to recover the loss from the responsible third party (if responsible third party exists) is appreciated
Claim Documents to facilitate our processing of your claim :
- Claim Notice Form
- Copy of notice of claim to responsible third party and their reply (if responsible third party exists)
- Copy of police report (if applicable)
- Site photos
- Statement of claim with detailed calculation
- Claim substantiation documents as appropriate